香港城市大學校長郭位教授在節目首集訪問南非開普敦大學校長 – 帕肯教授(Professor Phakeng)。開普敦大學是全球首家成功進行人類心臟移植手術的大學,而帕肯教授更是少數擔任南非高等教育界領袖的非洲裔女性。訪談內容涵蓋南非高等教育的歷史與特點,以及種族隔離消除後,開普敦大學在非洲化和西方化之間的抉擇和平衡。
City University of Hong Kong presents “Beyond Boundaries: Dialogue with Presidents of World’s Leading Educational Institutions” – Episode 1 : The University of Cape Town
President Way Kuo, City University of Hong Kong, invited Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng, Vice-Chancellor, University of Cape Town (UCT), to take part in the first episode. UCT is the first university in the world to successfully perform a human heart transplant, and Professor Phakeng is one of the few African-American women to take on a leadership role in higher education in South Africa. The interview covers the history and the characteristics of higher education in South Africa and explores how UCT has balanced Africanisation and Westernisation since the end of Apartheid.