香港城市大學呈獻 : 大問於市:與全球頂尖校長對話 – 第二集:德國柏林洪堡大學
香港城市大學校長郭位教授於本集訪問德國的柏林洪堡大學(Humboldt University of Berlin)校長扎比內.孔斯特教授(Professor Sabine Kunst)(任期:2016-2021)。 柏林洪堡大學被譽為「現代大學之母」,共55位師生、校友獲得諾貝爾獎。郭校長會在節目中與扎比內.孔斯特校長對談,邀請她分享德國「洪堡」高等教育的風格,以及對現代教育的願景。
City University of Hong Kong presents “Beyond Boundaries: Dialogue with Presidents of World’s Leading Educational Institutions” – Episode 2 : Humboldt University of Berlin
In this episode, President Way Kuo invites Professor Sabine Kunst, President of Humboldt University of Berlin (2016–2021), to talk about Humboldt-style teaching, learning and research plus her overall vision for modern education. Humboldt University of Berlin is renowned as the “mother of all modern universities”. Until now, a total of 55 staffs, students, and alumni have won the Nobel Prize.